Air Curtains
Wide range of industrial air curtains and indoor air disinfection solutions. If you are looking for high-quality air curtain or a customize one to meet your specific need, we can deliver the right air curtain to meet your need.
Ozed Air Curtains Solutions
The air curtains we represent are of the finest quality and the ideal solution to maintain a comfortable interior climate in commercial outlets and public buildings that need to keep their doors open. They create an air stream layer over the doorway and act as an invisible barrier which efficiently divides the inside environment from the outside one. Therefore, it substantially reduces heating and cooling costs by up to 80%, while increasing employees’ and clients’ comfort.
For shops, Airtècnics air curtains allow a clear view of the inside of the shop, welcoming the client to enter easily. Airtècnics air curtains we represent are a protection from the cold and heat, repel gusts of wind and minimize dust, fumes, pollution and insects entering the building.
Standard Air Curtains
Standard Airtenics air curtains we distribute include air curtain optima, air curtain aris, air curtain windbox M,G, air curtain smart, air curtain dam and air curtain windbox BB.
Bespoke Air Curtains
A variety of Airtècnics decorative air curtains that are laced with the highest air curtain technology plus exclusive beauty. They are the perfect solution to meet the increasing…
Recessed Air Curtains
The Airtenics recessed air curtains we distribute in Nigeria and West Africa include recessed windbox, recessed dam, recessed optima, recessed compact…
Air Curtains With Disinfection and Purification System
Innovative air curtains with disinfection and purification system are air curtains that possess the combination of the air curtain…
Industrial and Cold Store Air Curtains
Industrial and cold store air curtains for large doors such as entrances to warehouses, hangars, factories, logistic centers, loading…
Insect Control Air Curtains
Premium quality high-performance insect control air curtains are designed to minimize the passage of flies or other flying insects to food establishments and industry, hospitals…
Revolving Door and Tailor Made Air Curtains
Airtècnics ranges of Rotowind air curtains for revolving doors and Variwind air curtains of variable length are completely…
Economic Low Cost Air Curtains
The low-cost air curtains comprise Minibel and Optima. Minibel air curtain is recommended for openings up to 1.8 m in height. Also can be used as an electrical…
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We are a one-stop shop, and a leading innovative, technology-driven and service-oriented source for wide-ranging varieties of equipment, machinery, spare parts, and technical support services/solutions for industries and homes.
Air curtains & Purifiers
Water Treatment & Filtration
Air handling units & Ventilation
Packaging & End of Line Systems
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